Joke Box

Shame Haircuts

Published 21 Sep 2016 By Miranda

Just a little off the top... "Holy Haircut Batman!" — JR, Wrestlemania XXnote Female wrestler Molly Holly lost her hair as a result of a stipulation where she would have her head shaved if...

Bangalore: For Dalits in Karnataka's Manchanabale village, a haircut costs five kilometres. That's the distance to the nearest town they need to travel for a haircut because the half-dozen-odd...

NEW YORK – Russell Fredrick's middle son was 12 when he wouldn't quit playing around in class and ignoring his homework, so the barber did what he does best. He picked up his clippers...

As many parents know, keeping sons on the straight and narrow can be difficult. When boys misbehave, sometimes even the strictest punishments – banning TV and internet, taking away toys and...

A-1 Kutz is offering embarrassing haircuts to help families looking to discipline their children. (Courtesy Russell Fredrick) Got a kid who's raising hell? Afraid the police will be called...

A HAIRCUT, they say, is worth whatever it costs if it makes you feel right. To the untrained eye, dollars 200 (pounds 131) may seem a bit steep for a quick trim and blow-dry - even if you are...

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